Our research

We publish many open datasets for others to use, you can find them here.

Modelling forest dynamics

Fusing ground, aerial and satellite remote sensing data with long-term inventories to predict the future of forests at large scales.

Artificial Intelligence for ecology

Applying modern data science techniques to high-resolution remote sensing data of forests to improve the extraction of ecologically meaningful information.

Forests in three dimensions

Rethinking how we understand forests using three dimensional information from high resolution ground and drone-based remote sensing.

Data fusion for improved monitoring

Combining Earth Observation, aerial remote sensing and ground data to improve our understanding of environmental change.

Our fieldwork

Terrestrial Laser Scanning

We use terrestrial laser scanning to understand the shape and structure of individual trees, how crowns interact and how canopies fill space to maximise light capture.

UAV photogrammetry

We use drones to take photographs of the canopy to understand individual crown shape, and to monitor the effects of disturbances such as pests, pathogens and drought.

UAV Lidar

We use our UAV Lidar system to monitor large and inaccessible areas quickly, to understand forest structure and dynamics.

Forest surveying

We survey forests with traditional approaches and use existing plot networks and national inventories.

External projects and activities

Cambridge Centre for Earth Observation

Wet Woodlands Research Network

NERC Treescapes Voices of the Future

COST Action CA20118 3DForEcoTech

Alan Turing Institute Environmental monitoring: blending satellite and surface data

Our work is possible thanks to our funders, including:

UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship

The University of Cambridge

The Alan Turing Institute

The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)

NERC London Doctoral Training Partnership

AI for the study of Environmental Risks (AI4ER) UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training

The Cambridge NERC Doctoral Training Partnership

The Woodland Trust